Monday, October 31, 2005

If you are a woman living in America and you want an abortion, you better hop to it. Hell, you might want to even get knocked up and then get rid of it just to say that you did it when it was legal, back in the day.

Apparently, Samuel Alito will be nominated to the Supreme Court today, replacing the Sandra Day O'Connor liberal swing vote with a moderate-right judge just right enough to make Democrats nervous about the abortion vote, affirmative action, etc.

In ten years, watch for husbands to be claiming wives as a capital gain on their tax return. God willing.


At 7:45 PM, Blogger interlocutor said...

Can one even make a 'Samuel Alito Jr. eats babies' joke when babies are very much the issue? [Or do they need to ban abortion so there are more babies to feed his insatiable snack appetite?]

At any rate, as I once blogged about John Roberts' nomination, and how neither it nor this nomination was the issue. The abortion question has been wrongly relegated to the courts: if it's not clear that a 200 year old document affords women rights over their own bodies (and remember it wasn't clear on un-white people's rights) then have it out and do up a proper amendment via legislative mechanisms.

It's one thing to ask a bunch of judges to do your dirty work, it would be another for elected/accountable people to stand to account for telling women what they can and cannot do.


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