Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I would like to joke about this, but I don't know if it's funny.



At 12:18 AM, Blogger interlocutor said...

I got exactly one minute and 32 seconds into it before I simply had to stop it.

It was bafflingly random.

I can only wonder what inanities are contained in the remainder of the clip. Kudos to anyone who can watch the whole thing and tell me.

Also, assuming public money is behind it, consider this.

At 12:49 AM, Blogger Chris said...

The guy at the begining is Andy Card. Bush's CHIEF OF FUCKING STAFF. I would at least hope he knows what he's doing.

You should keep watching, because Bush actually shows up for about 30 seconds. He talks to them about the true meaning of the holiday season.

I'm gonna go kill myself.


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